Art available by Heather Calderon
Heather Calderón was born in Milford, Delaware, where her father was stationed in the Navy. Shortly after when his service ended, the family relocated to small town, Longmont, Colorado where Heather spent a peaceful childhood and adolescence. She was exposed to piano and art as a child, and also traveled frequently to visit relatives in neighboring New Mexico. Being artistic all her life, it was at age 24, when she was hired as a copy painter; copying designs by professional painter, Elizabeth GoodRick Dillon on needlepoint canvas. It was this job that she learned how to paint, and began creating her own paintings. Eventually she found her niche painting skeletons, after a combination of reasons; the earliest being a childhood experience of having her face x-rayed and seeing her own skull.
Today Heather lives in Coral Springs, FL, is married with two children and two stepchildren. |